We hope that you had a restful Thanksgiving break! Our concert is coming up so we wanted to get the schedule for that day sent out to you with enough time to plan.
First Semester Concert:
Concert Day Rehearsal Location:
Mabry Arts Center
510 Stadium Dr, Carrollton, GA 30117
Set up: 1:15 at Mabry Arts Center
We will break for a snack and to change at 4:00
Soundcheck on-stage at 4:40
Concert at 5:00 PM
Concert Day Rehearsal Location: We will NOT use UWG's campus on 12/15 but will use Carrollton City Schools' campus instead.
Carrollton High School Don Hall Band Room
181 Ben Scott Blvd., 202 Trojan Dr
Carrollton, GA 30117
Set up: 1:15 at CHS band room
We will break for dinner at 4:00 (dinner on your own)
Soundcheck on-stage at 6:15
Concert at 7:00 PM Mabry Arts Center
High School Division: Next Rehearsal: December 8th from 2:15 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Humanities Building, 202 W Georgia Dr, Carrollton, GA 30117.
High School Division: PDFs of all music is located here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11oswQJwFWdwgPAko8tXc3S28AldK3RW9?usp=drive_link
Middle School Division: Next rehearsal December 8th from 1:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m
Carrollton Middle School: 151 Tom Reeve Drive, Carrollton, GA 30117.
Notes from your conductors:
High School Division:
Harrison will be there on Sunday. Students should have questions for him about composing, career paths in music, etc.
Students need to have all of Fairest of the renaissance Fair and The Paper Man (especially 13-22 for flutes and 129-159 for everyone) prepared for rehearsal on Sunday.
Other spots to check are 86-102 in the march, 73 to the end in Fanfare Dissensus, and B-D in Sleep.
Middle School Division:
Please check on your notes and tempo changes in Across the Desert Sands.
Please check on notes and rhythms in Wicked.
High school questions and concerns should be addressed to windshigh@westgaarts.com
Remind 101 Code:
Middle: Our class code is @wgwm2425
High: Our class code is @wgwh2425
Middle school questions and concerns should be addressed to windsmiddle@westgaarts.com
High school questions and concerns should be addressed to windshigh@westgaarts.com
Have a wonderful rest of your week. We will see you on December 8th.
-WGA Admin Team